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As the successor to the Canada Research Chair on Transgender Children and Their Families (CRC-ETF), the CRC-ReParE aims to produce empirical, intersectional and bilingual knowledge on the logics of exclusion and social inclusion of vulnerable young people. It also aims to elaborate the ethical dimensions of partnership research, and to develop methodologies to facilitate research aimed at empowerment and the confrontation of social inequalities.

What's new?

Upcoming conference
Les trajectoires de soutien parental et leur impact chez les jeunes ayant interrompu une transition de genre
Published 15 october, 2024.
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New article
La mise en discours de la détransition sur Twitter (2017–2020).
Published 8 October 2024.
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Replay available
Launch of the book « Pratiques psychoéducatives auprès des jeunes trans et non-binaires »
Published 4 October, 2024.
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Past conferences
WPATH 28th Scientific Symposium “A Gender Diverse World in Global Unity”
Published 30 september, 2024.
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