Results of the survey on the needs and priorities for medical and cosmetic interventions of trans and non-binary people living in Quebec
We are pleased to share with you this new research report which discusses the needs and priorities in terms of gender affirmation (medical and aesthetic interventions) of trans and non-binary people in Quebec. This project was funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec's Citizen Engagement programme and was co-produced by citizen researcher Claude Amiot and the team at the new CRC ReParE.
A synthesis of the knowledge produced by the survey on the needs and priorities for medical and aesthetic interventions of trans and non-binary people living in Quebec
This synthesis of knowledge was carried out as part of the research project ‘Devenir soi à travers les chirurgies : une exploration citoyenne dans la recherche transaffirmative’ funded by the Engagement programme of the Fond de Recherche du Québec (FRQ). It is based on a review of the scientific literature on gender-affirming medical and aesthetic procedures and the well-being of trans and non-binary (TNB) people.
Link to synthesis documents
Knowledge synthesis: Impact of trans-affirmative medical interventions on quality of life
Knowledge Synthesis: Impact of Gender Affirming Interventions on Mental Health
Knowledge synthesis: Impact of interventions on sexual health
Knowledge synthesis: Impact of transaffirmative medical interventions on relational well-being
Knowledge synthesis: Impact of transaffirmative medical interventions on body satisfaction
Knowledge synthesis: Needs and desires of trans people in relation to gender affirming interventions
Knowledge synthesis: What about post-treatment regret and dissatisfaction?
The SSHRC-funded project Au delà des apparences: une analyse interesectionelle de l'expérience des jeunes trans au Québec (Beyond appearances: a cross-sectional analysis of the experience of trans youth in Quebec) provides an understanding of the various aspects that hinder and facilitate the well-being of trans youth. This document summarises the resistance strategies used by trans youth in various social contexts.
The SSHRC-funded project Au delà des apparences: une analyse interesectionelle de l'expérience des jeunes trans au Québec (Beyond appearances: a cross-sectional analysis of the experience of trans youth in Quebec) is helping to understand the various aspects that hinder and facilitate the well-being of trans youth. This document summarises the project's preliminary findings regarding the lived experiences of migrant and racialised trans youth in Quebec.
The SSHRC-funded project Au delà des apparences: une analyse interesectionelle de l'expérience des jeunes trans au Québec (Beyond appearances: a cross-sectional analysis of the experience of trans youth in Quebec) provides an understanding of the various aspects that hinder and facilitate the well-being of trans youth. This document summarises what makes their lives easier and more difficult.
The CIHR-funded ‘Narratives of care and gender affirmation’ project has enabled us to gain a better understanding of how children and young people become aware of, affirm and consolidate their gender identity. This summary presents the preliminary analysis of this theme.
In 2014, SARAVYC conducted a bilingual survey to learn about the health of transgender youth in Canada. It was the first and largest of its kind in Canada. Five years later, in 2019, we conducted the same survey with a few additional questions and heard from 1,519 youth representing every province and territory in the country. Here’s a first glimpse at what they had to say.
The Canada Research Chair in Transgender Children and Their Families held a major community consultation in spring 2019 to better understand community research needs.
The Research Chair in Transgender Children and their Families is participating in an ongoing research project in Australia with Prof. Damien Riggs, and Dr Claire Bartholomaeus at Flinder University. Re initial report: Transgender and non-binary young people and their families - a qualitative investigation of experience of clinical care in Australia is available here.