“I have been thinking about this for a long time” : Navigating gender affirming medical care decisions for trans and nonbinary youth and their families in six countries.
Thibeault, C.-A., Katz-Wise, S. L., Schmitt, P. A., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2025).
“They’re Unable to See my Decision to Detransition for What it is” : How Detrans Youth Perceive and Receive Discourses on Detransition.
Gelly, M. A., Atgé-Delbays, S., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2025).
Media discourse in Canada on trans youth and parent advocacy.
Dyer, J., Manning, K., Temple Newhook, J., Khosa, S., Salas, A., Davis, J., James, J., Pickett, S., & Pullen Sansfacon, A. (2025).
Coalition and Multi-Positionality Research Teams: A Nuanced Approach for Anti-Oppressive Research.
Chibaya, N. H., Arora, M., Thibeault, C.-A., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2024)
Experiences of Parents of Trans and Non-Binary Children Living in the Region of Quebec.
Ladry, N.-J., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Dyer, J. (2024).
Child rights in trans healthcare – a call to action.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Lapierre, M., Millette, M., Planchat, T., Gelly, M. A., & Médico, D. (2024).
La mise en discours de la détransition sur Twitter (2017–2020).
Millette, M., Turbide, O., Paré-Roy, E., Chartrand-Deschamps, E., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2024).
Gender-related medical experiences of youth who have detranstioned.
Gelly, M. A., Atgé-Delbays, S., Gravel, É., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2024)
Exploring the practice principles and beliefs of trans-care providers working with trans and detrans youth.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Lapierre, M., Millette, M., Planchat, T., Gelly, M. A., & Médico, D. (2024).
Experiences of cisgender youth with a transgender and/or nonbinary sibling.
Godwin, E. G., Moore, L. M., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Nishman, M. M., Rosal, M. C., & Katz-Wise, S. L. (2024).
Families with more than one trans person : Investments and divestments in cisnormativity.
Riggs, D. W., Skelton, S., Katz-Wise, S. L., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., & Arora, M. (2024).
Dealing With Scam in Online Qualitative Research : Strategies and Ethical Considerations.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Gravel, E., & Gelly, M. A. (2024).
Development of a family-level intervention for families with transgender and/or nonbinary youth : Lessons and recommendations.
Katz-Wise, S. L., Godwin, E. G., Medzhitova, Y., Moore, L. B. M., Parsa, N., Hill, A., Oparah, N., Bogart, L. M., Rosal, M. C., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Ehrensaft, D., Nishman, M. M., & Austin, S. B. (2024).
‘It just feels really nice when people call me by my name’ : Accounts of gender euphoria among Australian trans young people and their parents.
Skelton, S., Riggs, D. W., Pullen Sansfacon, A., Katz-Wise, S. L., Arora, M., & Thibeault, C.-A. (2024).
A retrospective analysis of the gender trajectories of youth who have discontinued a transition.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Gravel, É., Gelly, M., Planchat, T., Paradis, A., & Medico, D. (2024).
Understanding the experiences of youth who have discontinued a gender transition : Provider perspectives.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Planchat, T., Gelly, M. A., Baril, A., Susset, F., & Millette, M. (2023).
Jeunes trans et non binaires en protection de la jeunesse : Portrait de la situation au Québec.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Blanchet, A., Poulin Ladouceur, R., Picard, J., & Goyette, M. (2023).
Mamu: trans indigenous and two-spirit youth coming together to define their needs and to take action.
Pullen Sansfacon, A., Boivin, J., Partridge, P. A., Labelle, D., & Lee, E. O. J. (2023).
A nuanced look into youth journeys of gender transition and detransition.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Gelly, M. A., Gravel, R., Medico, D., Baril, A., Susset, F., & Paradis, A. (2023).
Social Support and Mental Health Among Transgender and Nonbinary Youth in Quebec.
London-Nadeau, K., Chadi, N., Taylor, A. B., Chan, A., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Chiniara, L., Lefebvre, C., & Saewyc, E. M. (2023).
Extrafamilial stressors in families of transgender adolescents referred for gender-affirming medical care : A mixed-methods analysis.
Douglas, L., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Daigneault, M.-M., Speechley, K. N., Sanders, E., & Bauer, G. R. (2023).
Abus et violence vécus par les jeunes trans et non binaires au Québec.
Dyer, J., Manning, K., Temple Newhook, J., Khosa, S., Salas, A., Davis, J., James, J., Pickett, S., & Pullen Sansfacon, A. (2023).
En Réponse Au Projet De Loi 2 : Associations Entre Les Démarches Légales D’affirmation Du Genre et Deux Indicateurs De Bien-être Chez Des Personnes Trans et Non-Binaires Du Québec.
Cotton, J. C., Martin-Storey, A., Le Corff, Y., Beauchesne Lévesque, S. G., & Pullen Sansfaçon, A. (2022).
Être trans et autochtone : Réalités croisées au regard de l’expérience du social.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Lee, E., & Faddoul, M. (2022).
Regards sur les difficultés vécues lors de la transition chez les jeunes ayant détransitionné.
Savard, M.-C. P., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., & Gelly, M. (2022).
Expérience et vécu des parents d’enfants trans et de la diversité de genre vivant en région.
Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Dionne, N., Planchat, T., Dyer, J., Picket, S., Temple-Newhook, J., Manning, K., James, J., & Davis, J. (2022).